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Bratty Brujita

Rompe Saraguey Kolonia

Rompe Saraguey Kolonia

Regular price $19.99
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This is an herb so strong Hector Lavoe wrote a song about it. Rompe Saraguey is a powerful hex breaker used in Santeria/Ifa traditions to break through obstacles and negative energy, to remove evil spirits, break bad habits, and rebalance energy. Our Rompe saraguey kolonia is an essential part of any bruja or spiritually sensitive person’s energetic cleansing practice. 

Use for:

  • An addition to spiritual baths and limpias
  • as a despojo to remove heavy energy
  • Ad addition to floor washes
  • clearing your energy after a negative or challenging interaction

Affirmation: Rompe Saraguey please rid me of all jealousy, haters, fakes, liars, and anyone who wishes me harm. Please open my path and allow me to prosper.

How to use:

  • Spray 3x into the palm of your hand and rub your palms together fast until its hot between them. Separate them slightly feel the buzz between your hands then pat yourself down from head to foot while saying the affirmation.
  • Then spray yourself from head to foot.

Contains: fresh Rompe Saraguey from a mountain top

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