5 Black Astrologers Whose Work I Love
I’ve always got to give thanks to Black women, who hold it down for all of us in this country politically, but also do a lot of the heavy lifting and uplifting in the spiritual community with very little recognition. Maferefun siempre to my mama Oshanla, Ellegua, and all the Orishas 🙌🏽 and n’salamalekun to all N’ganga that walks with me as well as my Afro Caribbean spirit guides that walk with me. I do my best to honor them always.
Something my teacher Empress Karen Rose taught us was to always honor and uplift our teachers. As you know I’m not an astrologer but much of what I do revolves around astrological cycles and Lunations. I get most of my astrological information from Black women astrologers who contextualize things like past lives, the ancestors, and belief systems beyond Western Christianity. Black Astrologers truly need all the support and all the uplifting because it’s wild how few of them are at the forefront of “mainstream astrology” considering much of our understanding of astrology comes from ancient Kemet. The information they taught the ancient Greeks was then co-opted and passed off as their own —another reason why we shouldn’t erase our teachers.
Karen Rose also taught us was that we should be intentional about supporting the healers we care about so that they can continue to do the work that is necessary for the collective. Don’t forget that in the US we make our voices heard with our dollars, and we have to put our money where our mouth is. Not just during February, but always. Being intentional about where your money goes is a form of protest. And it’s what is going to allow us to uplift those who uplift us. Cuz ask yourself this: as a community who do we value? And how do we value them?
We have to give a sh*t ya’ll, cuz if we really want community we have to built it ourselves.
I put together a list of 5 Black Women Astrologers that inspire me, and whose work I always refer back to.
Zodi Am
Zodi Am is an astrologer, a reiki master and a hypnotist among many other things. She’s who I check in with when I wanna know what the vibe is. Her blurbs and musings come thru in X format but mannn do they hitttt. She illustrates the astrology beautifully, she says what we’re all feeling and I love that for us.
Empress Karen Rose
Empress Karen is an herbalist, an astrologer and so many things. She does an amazing job of tying in astrology the Orisha pantheon and herbalism. I like that she gives herbal recommendations as per the astrology and always has the best reads and softest heart centered deliveries. She’s helped deepen my overall understanding of astrology in a big way.
@ScorpioMystique aka Dossé-Via Marine Trenou
I’ve been following Dossé’s Scorpio account for years and she is always spot on with my deepest downest scorpio-est feels. Her other specific sign reads are always on point as well, for those of you who are not scorpiheauxs, and they give you plenty to think about and apply to your own life. She also has another general astrology page @knowthezodiac full of information about your big three and beyond.
Bri Luna aka the @hoodwitch
I feel like this page is pretty ubiquitous with the crystal and the astro girlies. Bri Luna was someone I followed wayyyyy back in my bruja awakening and she’s def an OG in the esoteric and astrological online space. Her IG page is visually stunning and this is someone whose aesthetic I have definitely looked up to, because baby it’s always givingggg.
Clementine Cosmos aka @BigEmpressEnergy
BIG. BEAUTIFUL. BOUNTIFUL. BLESSINGS. Big empress energy is really that, A LOT OF ENERGY. Truly the Cardi B of astrology— in the best way possible! If I need an injection of verbal caffeine I go to her page because her zodiac reads are fun and I’ve done her collective reiki candle and she’s just dope.