3 reasons why I work with the eclipse for shadow work

3 reasons why I work with the eclipse for shadow work

On September 17th 2024 we’re experiencing a full moon in Pisces and also known as the harvest moon as well as a ring of fire lunar eclipse. Eclipses are symbols of change and revelation, they bring up the deep dark stuff that we don’t even realize is running in the background. This makes them amazing for shadow work, which is the investigation and excavation of the version of us that is made up of our darker impulses, traumas, and un-integrated experiences. 

Eclipse energy is chaos, it does what it wants and moves everything as it sees fit, not as we would like it to be. Working with eclipse energy has been very humbling in that it’s taught me a lot of lessons about what my role is in other peoples healing work, but also it’s taught me acceptance that some things (if not most things) are out of my control. Here are 3 reasons I work with eclipse energy for shadow work. 

  1. The Eclipse naturally lends to bringing up the past

The most obvious function of the eclipse is shedding light on whatever is in the darkness. Shadow work really focuses on looking back with new eyes and integrating experiences that were not fully processed. A lot of times we don’t even know what that experience was, many times we can’t even remember—the eclipse remembers. The eclipse will stir whatever is preventing you from having that break through so that you can deal with it. 

This eclipse in particular will have the nodes of destiny shifting from Aries-Libra to Pisces-Virgo meaning it’s the close of a chapter for those of us with Aries-Libra and fixed placements. It’s also the opening of a chapter with Pisces-Virgo placements. All of this goes to say, check where you have Pisces and Virgo in your chart and that’s where you’ll likely be seeing some future changes. 

  1. The eclipse has no agenda

The closing of this chapter is quite significant for everyone because the eclipse is going to bring up issues regarding our families, our home life, our relationships and our routines and foundational structures. It’s time for some things to go for good bbs. That being said, the eclipse doesn’t care about your plans or your delusions. It will cut to the core of you. But that’s what we want. And I know you’re thinking, is there any way around this? And the answer is yes, if you leave earth. Also not everyone will be feeling it full force because it does depend on your placements BUT like I said, eclipses are unpredictable. You are also more than welcome to ignore the changes, ignore the revelations, and ignore the call for growth, it’s totally up to you but you’re still gunna feel it.

  1. The eclipse is a powerful portal for self discovery

I’m not gunna lie, the last eclipse ritual changed my life in a big way. I asked it to reveal to me what I wasn’t seeing and OH BOY did it show me. So many lies and betrayals were uncovered and my life has not been the same since. But that’s because I chose to work with the eclipse instead of letting it wash over me on its own. Directing the eclipse energy so that it can reveal the truth is very different from being like “cool an eclipse” and just letting it do its thing. It will definitely not reveal things in the way you want or in the way you thought it would, but the discovery is there. In order to dig deep we have to be willing to look at formative experiences and assess where they have become integral to our identity and if we still want that. It’s up to us how we choose to accept and integrate the messages.


As I write this we are in the middle of eclipse season, with one today September 17th and the other October 2nd. If you’re looking to do some shadow work I have candle rituals available for purchase for both. And feel free to join my newsletter for more updates and info.

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